Other Programs

There are two more Programs mentioned here, Perfect Health  and Personality Patterns, offered by Acharya Dr.D.Bharadwaj, on a regular basis. But, however we consider that attending YSM workshop is important for complete benefit form the following two workshops. Therefore we made it mandatory that basic YSM workshop is attended before applying for the other two.

1. Perfect Health :

Acharya Dr.D.Bharadwaj is a medical cosultant par excellence. In his long, rich and highly successful service as a General Physician spanning over a quarter century on the Medical Field. He worked with various patients dealing with a wide spectrum of medical conditions acute and chronic some of them consisdered incurable by conventional system of medicine.

His wide rich experience in this field gave him profound insights in the area of Preventive Medicine and management of certain irreversible conditions. A through awareness of Preventive Health Management empowers us in all circumstances, to always find excellent options to maintain great health and completely minimize the possibility of having to face difficult and unmanageable health issues and postpone ageing and the related problems.

Acharya Dr.D.Bharadwaj believes in the intrinsic ability of the body to heal itself and get better. He demonstrates that this kind of 'Healing From Within' can happen, whatever the present health condition, provided the individual takes the responsibility to create the right conditions for the Inner Healer to get stronger and abler.  

In his well attended, highly appreciated health workshops titled, Perfect Health For All, he generously shares his distilled rich experience for two days of life changing dispensation of awareness. Thousands of people who gained from these workshops bear testimony to the need and worth of this workshop. During the workshop we get simple, easily followed, tips for a strong supple disease free body and great health of the mind. He further gives general suggestions, that can be followed by all and also specific suggestions to individuals suffering from specific prolonged disease conditions.  

2.Personality Patterns Workshop:

Acharya Dr.D.Bharadwaj as a psychologist and a yogaacharya has deep, profound insights into Yogic Psychology.

He believes that human mind is an integrated entity and every Behavioral Pattern is a part of a whole.

Each pattern has got both positive, harmonious as well as negative, disharmonious aspects within itself, well integrated and inseparable.

If we identify a few key aspects and key tendencies of ourselves we can identify the pattern we belong to. Therefore we can become aware of the more positive harmonious beautiful aspects of ourselves and accordingly take care of our minds and lives.  

If we similarly identify a few key aspects and key tendencies of a particular person, we can identify the entire Personality Pattern he belongs to, become aware of his harmonious beautiful aspects and relate ourselves with him in a purposeful manner.

In a Two Day workshop on Personality Patterns by Acharya Dr.D.Bharadwaj, it would be extremely empowering experience to learn about these Universal Integrated Personality Patterns and their key aspects and tendencies. 

An awareness, a body of knowledge like this will take us long way in leading a happy purposeful fulfilled life with a harmonious enjoyable relationship with our world.